Tentang MBA Corporation
Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.
We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of
collaborations across government.
Praesent feugiat sem mattis.
A wonderful serenity.
Premium services for you.
Set a link back to photo.
Call to ask any question 540-325-1523
Natalia Duke
(Chairman and founder)![](https://mbacorp.co.id/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/about1.png)
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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.
Event Management
Pengorganisasian sebuah kegiatan yang dikelola secara professional, sistematis, efisien dan efektif. Kegiatannya meliputi konsep (perencanaan) sampai dengan pelaksanaan hingga pengawasan.
MBA Academy
Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Fokus pada Professional trainer, Public Speaker, Profesional Image Consultant, Kursus Bahasa dan Bimbel Online.
Media Siber
Kami Menyediakan Media Siber untuk ruang publik, theacehpost.com dan juga menerima Pariwara online, cetak tabloid The Aceh Post, Podcast TAP T, banner dan mitra media…
MBA Creative
Kami menyediakan Jasa desain grafis yang profesional dan berpengalaman di bidang Grafis, baik Branding Produk, Personal Branding, dan segala kebutahan grafis lainnya.